Thursday 28 July 2016

Response to WarCorpse666's crappy video on Anita Sarkeesian's latest TVW

Got bored, so wrote a response to WarCorpse666's crappy video on Anita Sarkeesian's latest TVW.

"Well that's actually true, because men and women's bodies are different."
Not necessarily, but even if so, that's not an excuse. If you're producing a triple-A title for a broad audience, you should factor in female body animations and sounds into your initial budget.
Otherwise you're saying you don't care about women and girls playing the multiplayer (where it's not about story).

"Assassin’s Creed is a game set in historical times. Women were not.."
In this particular game, the historical time was revolutionary France, whose most famous assassin was Charlotte Corday who killed Marat and has often been portrayed as a hero of the revolution for it.
Women were most definitely part of the revolution and most definitely participants in the bloodshed.

"Combat required a lot of physical power, which you ladies don't have."
Slitting some bastard's throat in the bathtub however? Yeah, this is Assassin's Creed - dexterity, agility and sleight of hand are what's important.

"You can climb up 150 feet.. and jump down. I wouldn't be all pissy about it."
Yeah so exactly, if physical accuracy isn't important, why can't we have female superassassins in the multiplayer even if you were right about them being all crap at fighting?

"Finite amount of memory on the game discs"
Unless you've noticed, most games are currently downloaded online, or if on DVD(s), your computer still downloads large data files for updates and patches. Size was not the issue.

"Every itty bit of memory was used."
The criticism was about the multiplayer, and about a scalable game playable on various computers with various memory requirements. Your player animations aren't going to take up any more than the animations of NPCs for other players in multiplayer.

"I don't hear any women videogamers complain"
Since there was an immediate backlash from women gamers after the E3 AC reveal, you must be deaf.

"How many women play Assassin's Creed"
Simple google search said 19% of players, with stats that say men most often buy it, but often couples play it together.
So because 19% players are women, a few % of budget can't be spent on them getting female multiplayer models?
Women are more likely to play games with female protagonists or options, so that stat is after leaving out the women who went for other titles.

"400 pound blue-haired land-whales"
Why not include that? Or 400-pound, long-haired walruses like you? You'd make a great bikini-armour character.

"Because nobody gives a shit about women's sports"
Many women do, but I guess they don't count in your view.

"And there were not women fighting in WWII on the front lines"
google "world war 2 women on the front lines"
>>In contrast to the Germans, the Soviets mobilized their women early, bypassing the "auxiliary" stage entirely. About eight hundred thousand women served in the Red Army during World War II, and over half of these were in front-line duty units.
>>Many were trained in allfemale units. About a third of the total number of women serving were given additional instruction in mortars, light and heavy machine guns, or automatic rifles.
>>Another three hundred thousand served in AA units and performed all functions in the batteries-including firing the guns

Took me 30s to find this information.

"Why? Because women are nowhere near a man in a hand-to-hand combat situation, [..] as fast, [..] as strong.."
Modern warfare is predominantly about long-ranged combat with high-technology weapons.
Even so, women have and do participate and the major barrier to inclusion has been sexism and denial of access.
Women who fight on front lines today aren't significantly disadvantaged by their biology.

Videogames are fantasy. Make-believe. All modern FPS games give the player semi-invulnerability, super-speed, super-reloads, super awareness.
So you've just admitted that you only care about fulfilling the power-fantasies of men, not women.

Re:Important conversation "No there's not!"
Then why are you making this video?

"Not according to you."
She's going to explain that.

".. still doesn't get it.."
Wait up.

"Revolutionary France you didn't see a lot of women on the field."
We're talking about assassins. In towns. Once more I remind you of Charlotte Corday.

"Nobody takes the Saints Row games seriously.. it's a comedy game."
Yeah, she didn't deny that, she just gave an example of a sexualised combat situation against women.
Although your dense skull doesn't get it, she's saying she'd prefer women be in ordinary combat situations, not just as a sexist joke.

"What's the problem? What's the target market?"
Her whole point throughout the video is that marketing towards straight males as default to the exclusion of women etc. is unfair.
Especially with large-budget triple-A titles. As a woman she's asking for more games marketed towards her. It's what you do.

"Aren't feminists supposed to be sex-positive or is that ...?"
So that would include targeting games to show what women find sexy? All women don't enjoy looking at female butts and boobs all the time.
If women's only role in games is posing for straight male players, it's surely understandable that they'd prefer more, different, things.

"drive to a beach, beat up women"
No, but your attitudes concerning women and their place in society seem just as bad.

"You didn't play any of these games, did you Anita."
I've played lots of games with sexualised female NPCs you're supposed to kill. I (unlike) you have felt it a bit creepy/off-putting.

"bla bla rant on how it is today"
Videogames are fantasy worlds. If you can create male power fantasies, why not include women in that?
Yes, because history is only so important to you, as far as it excludes women.
If history is ignored to allow you to play Johnny Rambo, that's fine, because it's catering to you.
So you are literally telling a woman who knows about the gender disparities in real life, that she can't even ask for gender equality in her fuckin' fantasy media.

"Because I don't see a lot of women in the steel industry"
I googled "steel mill ww2 women workers"
>>In addition to traditional administrative roles, women stepped in as labourers and engineers in steel mills, tank factories and, in particular, the aviation industry.
>>Their contributions, for which they were usually paid half a typical man’s wage, became the inspiration for the government’s “Rosie the Riveter” propaganda character.

They also flew all the military aeroplanes. The primary reasons they didn't fly many combat operations was sexism and gender roles.
That's how it was organised.

"It's a little unbelievable"
Yes, like any barrier to progress, the greatest problem is a failure of the imagination.

"No woman is going to beat a guy."
Unless she has the same magical powers that allow male gnomes, dwarves, goblins fight that same 8-foot ogre, right?
Or unless she's better at swordfighting than him and cut's his fucking head off.

You must really hate Aria Stark.
She's much less believable a victor in physical confrontation than that huge physically threatening Tyrion Lannister cutting people down at the ankle with an axe, burning them with wildfire or shooting them with a crossbow.
(Gosh sharp objects can kill someone without you having overwhelming physical strength?)